Have you missed me and my pithy brand of humor? Well, I’ve missed all of you. Tracy gave me a not necessarily desired, but well needed break from reviews and game guides. Just too many psychotic bosses in my life (present company, excepted) and crazy demands upon my time required the respite.
That being said, I was a little nervous about jumping back in the saddle with Enigmatis: The Mists of Ravenwood. Would I be able to get my game mojo back? I suppose you readers are the final judge, but from the moment I clicked "play," I was in the zone and ready for action.

The detective follows the clues into the park and, before you know it, she’s locked in the basement with a prisoner trapped behind a cell door with a puzzle lock. When the prisoner reached out of a small opening to grab the detective’s wrist, I practically jumped out of my chair. This is one freaky game.
Enigmatis: The Mists of Ravenwood allows three levels of game play: casual, advanced and expert. I played on the casual setting with my daughter. She’s 10, and, while this one provides plenty of "jolts" she didn’t seem to mind too much. (Maybe the barrel of skeletons was a bit much.)
The hidden object areas and mini games are a bit few and far between. This is a bit more of what I call the "to-ing and fro-ing" type of game. But, with a grabber storyline like this and some real genuine frights, I highly recommend it. It’s a perfectly fun way to spend a pre-Halloween October evening.
And all clues led into nearby Ravenwood Park...