Super Granny 6: World 1: Prehistoric Jungle
Super Granny 6 Walkthrough provides a complete walkthrough to the most challenging Super Granny game yet. Our walkthrough provides detailed instructions and/or video solutions for all of the most difficult levels and screenshots for every level. This is a must have to get through the game while picking up all of the collectibles available in the game.
Granny Power Ups and Other Gadgets
World 1: Prehistoric Jungle
World 2: The Desert
World 3: Magmam City
World 4: Lava Caves
World 5: Ice Caves
Ask for help in the comments below!
The first 4 levels are a tutorial.
1-5 Every journey…
Getting the last Firefly--Before entering the exit flower, go up the ladder, dig a hole, and drop down to pick up the last one.
1-6 Jungle Critters
- Meet…Spiders.
- For the spider on the short ledge, dig a hole from above at the black box on the screen.
- Drop through just before the spider turns around at the other end and immediately dig another hole for the spider to drop into.
- Move forward and dig a second hole for Granny to drop through to get the kitty and firefly.
- Spend the time now to get this down because you are going to need to know how to do this...a LOT!
1-7 But wait there is…
- The meow gate is in the screen to the right.
- This level has two levers. The top one gets you to the gate and lots of cats.
- The bottom lever gets you to the cats at the bottom left of the second screen.
You can also use it from either screen but you will have to end up in the left screen.
1-8 You must whip it
- Your first experience with whips. Take some time to figure them out.
Look at the video for Level 1-24 to see it in action if need be.
1-9 Rumble in the...
- Your first experience with the bag. Take the time to figure out the bag. It doesn't have super long range and you can only use it when you are standing on the ground or the top of a ladder. Also the enemy needs to be more than a space away as Granny seems to need a wind up.
Also introduced are springs. These will allow Granny to jump up and the kitties will follow.
1-10 Book em Danno
- Your first experience with crates. Usually the existence of crates will clue you into the fact that you will actually need them to fill in a hole or press a button. This is not the case in this level; the crates just get in your way.
- You will need to be careful not to block your forward progress.
- Also note that they will drop down ladders and that you can dig a hole underneath them.
- The key for the gate is on the second screen (to the right). Work your way to the right and then up and to the left; go all the way to the top and move to the right to get the key. Hurry back to the first screen!
1-11 Danger Cave
- Meet the cat carrier. You need it to go through the teleporters and across bottomless divides and lava.
You only have the carrier for 30 seconds so go fast and just pick up cats. You will have to hustle across the monkey bar, drop down onto the first cat, into the teleporter, then pick up kitties fast as you work your way across the bottom to the left to the other teleporter and then quickly back across the monkey bar at the top.
1-12 Towering Tower
- I like to do the hardest screen first and sometimes it is not the first screen; however, in this case the first screen is the hardest.
- You need to be careful when you jump on an elevator with kitties as they sometimes jump off into the hole.
- Elevators eventually return to their starting points.
- The right elevator doesn't drop all the way to the bottom for the bottom right firefly. If you happen to fall off the elevator here, it will not eventually come down to your level; you will need to restart or commit suicide.
- You can get to the meow gate from the left. Dig out the spring button just to the left (see black square on the screenshot)
- You and the cats will jump up once and then go down the hole; doing this is a lot easier than working your way around.
- The cat on the top right should be retrieved with the elevator; every time I tried using the monkey bars my cat ended up following Granny into a hole and I'd have to go back to get it.
On the bottom screen, you do not have to water every vine (if you don't want to). I circled the ones I didn't water in yellow.
1-13 The Boom Room
- There are lots of teleporters here. You will need to use the bomb in some interesting spots to get to the teleports. Screenshot shows where all teleporters go if you want to try on your own.
- Use the video solution to get more help.
1-14 The Right Tools
- The first screen is challenging just because there is no dirt to dig to trap the pink dino; however, he is slow and you can pick up a handbag if you want.
- Pick up the handbag and use it on the dino before you go to the next screen, so the dino won't be waiting for you when you come back.
- The bottom screen is challenging because you need to use an umbrella to fly. Do this one first unless you are comfortable using the umbrella.
- Note that if you hit those gray spikes you will die.
- The right screen is challenging because it is your first experience with goo and you have a dino walking around, which you will have to avoid while you are "goo active."
The Right Screen Solution (Goo)
1-15 Do It By Hand
- Watch out for the little seedlings (see white circles), when you get near them they will grow into flytraps and if you cross over them, they will kill you.
For the kitty just below the meow gate, sneak down the right ladder to get it; you don't need to trap the spider.
1-16 Creepers…sssshh
- Don't let the bats get you. I think the first screen is harder and do that one first.
- Remember that you can hang out on the ladder in between the 2 bats.
- You don't need to water all the vines; I've circled the ones that you can skip if you want.
- To get the item in the middle of the second screen, just take a watering can across the monkey bar and drop down.
Remember you can use the can up at the top of the screen too.
1-17 Feel Your Way
- The lights go out in this level. You will only be able to see a small area.
You can turn them back on if you go through the teleport at the bottom left.
- Bomb away two blocks (black squares) and make your way over to the teleporter.
- Let's be practical and get the firefly to the left of the teleporter that way you won't have to go through it again.
It's easy once the lights are back on!
1-18 Epic Journey
- This is a 4 screen level. You have to go through all 4 to get back to the bottom left of the starting screen.
- The video shows how to make your way over there and especially how to maneuver through the fourth screen. It is MUCH easier to watch than it is to explain.
- You are on your own after you leave the fourth screen but it is fairly easy after that.
- On the first screen after you have come back, you can bring the kitties across on the platform at the top (which I did because I am stupid and live life dangerously!) or you can bring them up over the middle with the up and down platform.
- After getting those kitties into the gate, go back up to the top and become Super Granny.
- Take the platform over and drop in on the spider.
- Dig through to get what should hopefully be the last 2 kitties.
1-19 You Go First
- The main thing about this level is to remember that you lose the whip when you walk over the watering can.
- Don't get so into trying to kill the enemies that you forget the can on the bottom level.
- Grab the whip and drop down to kill all the enemies.
- You have enough time to water 2 to 3 vines.
- Do it again, whip, water.
- Collect all the kitties and take them up to the gate on the upper level.
- Once you have all the kitties resecued, become Super Granny to get the 2 fireflies on the sides (in 2 trips)
Don't forget when you get the one on the left that you will lose your super powers when you cross over the watering can.
1-20 Granny at Work
- In this level, you will be introduced to the Blow Torch and Jackhammer.
- Use the blowtorch to break through the rock in your way and kill the enemy.
- Collect all the kitties and fireflies on the first screen before removing the rock blocking the meow gate.
- You can get the 2 fireflies on the left side of the screen by dropping in to get them and then using the blowtorch to get out.
- Be sure to get rid of any enemies that are in the upper half of the screen before going to the right.
- The right screen requires use of the jackhammer. Well, actually you don't need it! I only used the jackhammer for the right column where there are no spiders.
- I find it almost as quick as more controllable to dig when spiders are involved. It is certainly doable with the jackhammer but then you will have to make 2 passes in the middle column.
1-21 Uncertain grounds
- Be careful as you come down (if you come down) the bottom center ladder; there is false rock to an un-escapable ledge if you do fall through.
- There are other false floors conveniently placed near 2 fireflies and one potentially inconvenient one underneath a cat (as in just hope you don't have any enemy waiting for you.
- There is one firefly that is unobtainable until you rescue all the kitties. You will get a ladder for it.
- You will need to drop down the center hole to get to the exit flower.
1-22 Wheel and Deal
- This is not a difficult level to do if you are careful and plan ahead.
- Take a look at the video solution if you are having any difficulty with anything.
1-23 Bunker Busting
- Luckily these pink dinos are pretty slow.
- You want to break out one dino with the bombs and then let it chase you around and run back to drop another bomb until you can get to the level to the bottom screen.
- Then you can remove the bottom level of rock (which is now at the top) from the bottom screen.
- While doing this and running away from the dino down there, get all the kitties and fireflies on the bottom screen.
- After doing this, you will head up to the top screen and entice both dinos down to the bottom level. Once they have hit, you can click on the lever and let them chase you into the bottom screen.
- Try not to use the bomb in such a way as to kill them as they will regenerate at the top screen and you don't want that.
- You might have to do each dino separately but it is doable.
- Once you have gotten rid of the 2 dinos at the top, collect everything; you will be able to drop down the ladders in the bottom screen to get your kitties to the gate and then back up to the first screen for the exit flower.
- The video shows just the enticing the dinos down into the second screen. You will possibly note that a dino regenerates as I go into the first screen one time; that is because I accidentally bombed him!
1-24 Do It Like Tarzan
- Lots of swinging and teleporting on this level.
- There is a kitty in the center of the screen that seems impossible to get to. You will actually swing over the top of a teleporter to get to it. Just look at the video, it's too hard to explain!
- All the teleporters are labelled with their destinations on the screenshot.
1-25 Jungle Boogie

- This level is extremely difficult. You need to be emotionally prepared to die--multiple times.
- I find the middle screen to be the most difficult, and unfortunately there is really nothing you can do but run and dig.
- The annoying queen shows up on this level. She doesn't do ladders but she appears and walks to the left or right and then disappears to appear somewhere else.
- The screenshot below has stars everywhere I found her to pop up (and look! she pops up everywhere!).
- I marked one star with a 1 because to my eyes this seemed to be where she appears the most.
- Unfortunately because you have 3 soldiers who reappear where they are in the screenshot, you are having to stop and dig a lot, and this is when the queen gets you when she pops up out of nowhere.
- The more items you pick up, the more places the queen can appear. This makes the level just gets harder and harder.
- The one good thing is if the queen pops up as you are running, you won't be killed (kind of like the yellow traffic light)
- So on this level the first thing you won't to do is work your way to the exit flower and get as many kitties rescued before you die the first time (I know I'm pessimistic!)
- Dig holes on either side of your starting point and trap the 2 dinosaurs.
- Pick up the watering can and go to the switch (without going over a plant).
- There is no point in trying to do anything more here because you might just die and you'll have wasted your time.
- Run into the second screen without stopping to run past the queen if she pops up.
- As quick as you can, water the vine and pick up the can as you run up the vine and go to the third screen to water the vine.
- Of course you will be trapping the soldiers all over the place at the same time.'
- Go back and pick up the can on the second screen and water the vine going to the meow gate.
- The video solution shows this first part and also how to get the last two items on the first screen.
- Unfortunately I cannot figure out a sure fire way to get you through the second screen after the first bit as I die a couple times each time I play the level. I didn't show you the video because it's long, unhelpful, and not pretty! Just be glad you have 5 lives.
- Rescue all the kitties from the second and third screens before going to the first screen.
- The first screen isn't as hard because the dinos are a little slower and you don't have a queen (you are going to hate her by the end of the game!). Just be careful.
Granny Power Ups and Other Gadgets
World 1: Prehistoric Jungle
World 2: The Desert
World 3: Magmam City
World 4: Lava Caves
World 5: Ice Caves
Ask for help in the comments below!